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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

good journalism = bad business = worse discussion (IS EXPRESS LISTENING?)

okay, indian express has just released its list of award winners for "excellence" in journalism. I have no comments on the entries, winners or the award as such// Of course, we all wonder how come so many of them winners are express or loksatta staffers, but that's for another rainy day. (It's sultry nights, and sultrier morns, in Dilli at present, so we rest those questions for some other time).
But here's the joke of the 'ceremony' (all awards are ceremonies, right?): a panel discussion on “Is good journalism bad business”. Hello, haven't I heard that one before (and I am not talking about Express having run it, or something along similar lines, after last year's awards). The idea (if it can still be called one) is so cliched that I wish they had arranged cocktail alongside (hey, if they could organise the damn thing at the Taj they might as well have spent some money on things other than coffee). All for the poor patients (sorry journalists) who were unlucky enough to be present.
I mean, how can u listen to the likes of rajdeep sardesai, shekhar gupta, barkha dutt, n ram, and so forth hold forth on such inanities in life? Arent there better things to do in life? Aren't there better ways to kill time?
I suggest a special award be given to all those who survived the whole discussion.
Is good journalism bad business. Jeez, aren't good journalists supposed to say “shit” when they see human excreta coming out of anyplace other than the posterior any more?

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