Revisiting Gujarat. Good idea. Even better timing.
BJP-types in the media ask sneakily: Why now, just before elections?
I ask: Why not now, just before elections? Media hunts, media grunts. Why shouldn't the media haunt those who deserve to be haunted at a time most suited to build public opinion?
BJP-types ask: Why pull skeletons out of the cupboard?
I ask: Why not pull out skeletons from the cupboard when it is ready to be loaded afresh? Media lights the bulb, the bulb illuminates the dark. Don't we have a subject called history right from elementary school-level onwards?
BJP-type ask: Why always stake out 2002 Gujarat or 1992 Maharashtra riots?
I ask: What about Bhagalpur, or 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom, or even post-Partition?
BJP-types ask: Why not anything against governments associated with non-BJP parties ?
I ask: When did Bhagalpur happen? When did anti-Sikh pogrom happen? When did Bofors happen? When did 'chaara ghotala' happen? When did post_Partition, the mother of all killings, happen?
BJP-types ask: Why can't we let bygones be bygones and move ahead?
I say: Good point; and then ask (somehow questioning is one good bad habit of we humans): Why not let Ram, his mandir, his sethu, and his shastra be bygones just as well?
You ask your questions, I will ask mine. In that cross-questioning, may be, some answer will emerge some day. In the interim, let's put that foot down (ugh, change your stinking socks, mate) and keep redrawing the footmarks.
DISCLAIMER: The pic is from 1992 Bombay riots. The dead man's ghost saw many others ghosts born 10 years later.